Just as he made up his mind to confess his sins, suddenly another horse came from a distance.

武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛品茶论坛 Just as he made up his mind to confess his sins, suddenly another horse came from a distance.

"White little doctor!"
"Woo-"Bai Fuling took hold of the reins, jumped from the horse, and suddenly smiled when everyone was watching nervously. "It’s okay. The blue barrier didn’t disappear completely, just as we saw before. It expanded outward, but this time the scope of expansion was larger than before."
Bai Fuling was also the first to find that the blue barrier disappeared. First, he didn’t disappear like the villagers, but thought about the expansion of the barrier several times ago and quickly rode to see it.
Sure enough, after riding for a while, he saw the familiar blue barrier.
Originally, he wanted to take a closer look, but he thought that the villagers were still worried, so he immediately turned back and rode back to report the news.
The news that poria cocos was brought back also greatly relieved the villagers, some of whom sat on the ground with weak legs.
Kouyuan also squatted after hearing the news. What else did he want? Squatting was really after the ups and downs, and he couldn’t stand it.
In the past few months, it took a long time for Tian Jiacun An District to increase to 1 square kilometer little by little, and the villagers have become accustomed to the blue barrier expanding outward every once in a while.
But this time, the security zone has expanded by 1 square kilometer at a time, which is equivalent to the achievement of the past few months in this moment.
The villagers are excited and proud after their mood ups and downs.
"Goddess has always taken care of us."
"Great, then we can go out again."
"After this, it is also our Tian Jiacun outside?"
"Well, well, the better this day, the better!"
Lin Chengfu uneasy heart finally put back when he saw the crouching KouYuan and Luo Zhong several people.
After thinking about it, he still walked over. "What’s the matter?"
"Nothing." Several people held their legs and showed similar expressions, among which Kouyuan looked the most serious. "We just squatted here for a while and nothing happened."
Lin Chengfu thought of everything and squatted in front of them and joked, "You won’t happen because you just offended the God-made adults, will you?"
Kouyuan tilted his head and didn’t talk.
Lin Chengfu smiled. "Come on, I won’t take those words to heart. What’s worse, it’s the God, especially Yuan. If you really knew the God, you wouldn’t have said what you said before and you wouldn’t have the idea now."
Kou yuan looked up "Ringo …"
Lin Chengfu patted him on the shoulder. "Because you don’t understand that your angel is an ordinary girl, but if you do, you will find that she is not ordinary, and it is not random for the goddess to choose her."
If it is the former Kouyuan, he will definitely answer back, but after this incident, he has been exhausted and can’t give Lin Chengfu a response.
Lin Chengfu still didn’t say much when he saw Kouyuan’s trance. "Let’s go to class. You don’t want to go back to Fengshou Town early. You can go back if you study hard and learn more things and take the middle class exam."
Kouyuan several people got up and followed Lin Chengfu in silence.
Other villagers are also going back one after another.
When they returned to the classroom, someone jumped out. "Hey, did you go to the trading hall to see it? Say it is necessary to recruit again? "
"True or false? What is it this time? Textile workshop or soap workshop? " Soon some of the students got up excitedly, and it was this moment for them every time they were supported to study hard.
Although they are still in the basic class, it will be their turn sooner or later if all the wise people in front are admitted to the workshop one by one.
Lin Chengfu is the first time that several people have heard about the workshop. They don’t even know about the recruitment in the workshop. They can ask the students around them, "What do you mean by the recruitment in the workshop? Why is everyone so excited? "
"You don’t even know about the recruitment in the workshop?" The other party is also very surprised.
"We were all in Fengshou Town before we came here," Lin Chengfu explained.
The other party suddenly realized, "So that’s it. No wonder you don’t know. Sit down and I’ll tell you."
Take the game of life to ancient section 61
Lin Chengfu sat beside him and didn’t need to move the stool. Kouyuan suddenly became diligent. He moved the stool without saying anything, and watched him want to know more from him than the recruitment.
The speaker is also welcome to move the stool and sit in the classroom and start explaining the workshop to them.
"We have many workshops in Tian Jiacun, among which the textile workshop and the oil-pressing workshop are mainly owned by the gods, and the soap workshop is managed by the students in the big class and the top class. The tofu workshop came to Tian Jiacun early in the morning, and a tofu-making craftsman managed these workshops. In particular, the first batch of workers in the textile workshop was appointed by the gods. Later, the textile workshop wanted to recruit a steward, and we had the first recruitment in Tian Jiacun."
"At that time, everyone said that there were very few recruitment opportunities, but then a new announcement appeared in the trading hall, saying that from now on, all workshops managed by the gods in Tian Jiacun will pass the exam to recruit workers, and only those in front of the exam can have this opportunity."
"Everyone is studying hard, because the previous person won’t have the opportunity to take another workshop exam after taking the workshop exam. When the previous person has finished the exam, we will definitely have the opportunity, even if we don’t have it now."
"The workshop is good. If you want to take the exam in the workshop, you will get a fixed salary. Ordinary workers can get 15 articles a day or 3 articles a day. The former Tian Jinhua in Tian Jiacun is now a textile workshop manager. Now a teenage girl can get 3 articles a day, which is 9 articles a month. I heard that she has saved enough money to buy her now living in a wooden house."
I don’t know when Tian Jinhua became a special person in Tian Jiacun.
In fact, the good people who rank first in academic performance have a lot of achievements. The best ones are Bai Jiafu and Lu Wen, but Tian Jinhua is the one who really makes many people feel real and envies the villagers.
No, don’t because Tian Jinhua didn’t have a foundation when she first entered school. She really walked step by step on her own.
In addition, Tian Jinhua was young, and it was the first time that Tian Jiacun took part in the recruitment examination. She became a strange figure in Tian Jiacun, and Tian Jinhua’s name was widely circulated in all classes.
Tian Jinhua’s deeds have also become the motivation and goal of the villagers to study hard.
This speech even KouYuan several people have some surge of emotion surge feeling very eager to want to take the exam.
Lin Chengfu looked at their expressions and knew what they were thinking. He smiled and threw cold water on them. "Don’t think too much. You just want to take the recruitment exam after a few classes?"
Lin Chengfu’s words fell to Kouyuan, and several people’s state suddenly languished a lot.
The person who explained it to them carefully before also smiled, "We are still in the elementary class, and we haven’t even taken the exam in the small class. There is really no need to think about recruitment. No matter how many people are recruited this time to raise seedlings and raise seedlings, those middle school students and small class students add up to nearly 300. Where will it be our turn?"
"So much?" Kou Yuan was shocked. "Are there so many people studying in Tian Jiacun?"
"You really just came? How can we enter the workshop without learning from us? " The other party looked at Kou Yuan with disdain. "God made adults say that Tian Jiacun workshop recruitment must pass the exam. Wouldn’t it be a shame if everyone else entered the workshop and I didn’t?"
Kou Yuancai found himself asking a strange question and was about to speak. The other party had silently moved the stool away.
"Don’t tell you, I want to study hard. I’m five minutes short of this exam. I must take a small class!"
Then he never paid attention to Kou Yuan and others and began to read and write.
Lin Chengfu looked at Kouyuan. "You don’t want to go back to Fengshou Town?"
Kou Yuan patted his head and smiled shyly at Lin Chengfu. "Ringo, I’m sorry. It’s just that I was happy for a while. I definitely didn’t mean to take the Tian Jiacun workshop. We have to go to Fengshou Town to do a big job!"
"Didn’t you hear people say that we are still in the elementary class and we don’t even have the qualification to take the exam? You can enter the Tian Jiacun workshop if you want?" Lin Chengfu calmly asked
Kou yuan immediately to nao nao face awkward atmosphere.
At this time, the recruiter who went to inquire about the recruiter also ran back.
"I am optimistic that this recruitment is neither a textile workshop nor a soap workshop. This time, if it is a brick kiln and an ironmaker’s recruitment, an examination item is added. What is the physical strength test? Chinese, mathematics and physical strength tests are combined and ranked in front. Rank!"
"True or false? I have good physical strength. Can I try it? "
"Ah, don’t think about it. There are more than 200 people in the small class. Many of them are used to doing manual work and taking pens. They may not be very good at it, but they will definitely be able to take the exam physically. Anyway, it’s not our turn to continue writing and strive for the next small class."
"It’s also writing. Where did I just write?"