On the second day, Ma Yun led the officials to file into the Anzheng Hall of Chu Palace, and the king of Chu formally surrendered to Ma Yun. Ma Yun quickly kowtowed, thanked him and gave in again and again, and then reluctantly walked to the ground high on the throne. Ma Xifan, the king of Chu, took a new crown from Leo Liu, the eunuch who stood on the throne, and personally brought it to Ma Yun. Then Ma Yun sat on the left side of the throne and set up a new throne to accept the worship ceremony of officials. After Ma Yun led the officials to kneel and send Ma Xifan to the king of Chu.

武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛桑拿会所 On the second day, Ma Yun led the officials to file into the Anzheng Hall of Chu Palace, and the king of Chu formally surrendered to Ma Yun. Ma Yun quickly kowtowed, thanked him and gave in again and again, and then reluctantly walked to the ground high on the throne. Ma Xifan, the king of Chu, took a new crown from Leo Liu, the eunuch who stood on the throne, and personally brought it to Ma Yun. Then Ma Yun sat on the left side of the throne and set up a new throne to accept the worship ceremony of officials. After Ma Yun led the officials to kneel and send Ma Xifan to the king of Chu.

After Ma Xifan left, Ma Yun returned to the throne in the middle and accepted the worship ceremony of the officials again. After the ceremony, Ma Yun waved his hand and the eunuch Zhang Shunzhan read an imperial edict. There were five imperial edicts. The first one was to praise the great leader Ma Xifan and express his ruling information to the officials by the way. The second one was to give Ma Xifan a title. The third is a letter to the Jinghu Preparation Division, the fourth is to announce that the official position has been taken over, and the fifth is to make a queen.
After reading, baiguan once again called Chitose, but each was secretly digesting the imperial edicts.
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Chapter 37 A diversion ()
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Liu Yan, the emperor of the Southern Han Dynasty, was a very extravagant man. This advantage was not only well inherited by his son Liu Hongxi, but also further promoted? Liu Hongxi ascended the throne only three years ago and built many palaces, such as Grand Palace, Ganquan Palace, Changhua Palace, PlayChina Palace, Xiuhua Palace, Yuqing Palace Palace, Taiwei Palace and Nangong Palace. Of course, this money came from the people’s appearance that Lin Yanyu (eunuch) was called the devil in Lingnan because of his exploitation.
The Grand Palace is located in the main hall on the south side of Xing Wangfu. The beams are tall and majestic. The towering golden glazed tiles are stacked at random. They slide to the four corners of the eaves, but they are raised as high as Dapeng’s wings. The main body of the house is painted with red paint and cinnabar, and the rosewood windows, gold foil and copper doors show royal style.
There is a screen in the center of the hall, with mountains, water, green trees, secluded pavilions, birds and animals faintly visible, and it has formed a picture of a quiet and distant landscape. The round and smooth pearls on both sides of the screen are connected in series to form a scene. There are red skirts flashing through the curtains. It must be a maid in the palace. In front of the screen is a long case with embroidered dragon yellow silk cloth. Emperor Liu Hongxi is sitting in the dragon chair in front of him, and several confidants are standing outside the dragon table.
The news that Fengchuan suffered a crushing defeat and Fengzhou was in danger frightened the Emperor Liu Hongxi of the Southern Han Dynasty. He hurriedly summoned his own officials (equivalent to the Prime Minister) to discuss countermeasures. These eunuchs usually bully the people in an endless stream without even frowning. However, this time, they are aiming high and far-sighted, or sending troops to rescue Chu, or saying that Chu and Han are relatives, it is not war. And how to concretely implement the two programs. If the war should be fought, we should send troops there, but we can’t say anything. Of course, this also has something to do with Liu Hongxi’s lack of attention to cultivating talents. Liu Hongxi has always been alone in what he can control. These ministers have always been perfecting after Liu Hongxi’s guiding opinions. I have never seen Liu Hongxi so panicked and wanted to find someone to give advice and rely on. At that time, everyone was a little confused
Liu Hongxi is a typical bully in the nest. In the past, the tiger of Chu State didn’t bully him. He was a sick cat. He sent troops to harass himself for three days. It felt quite impressive, but I didn’t expect to eat such a big loss. I was afraid that Ma Yun would surround Xing Wangfu to kill him. This group of eunuchs were experts in sense motive. As they said, they secretly observed the big fellow emperor Liu Hongxi’s reaction. Liu Hongxi’s heart was based on him. They guessed a July 7th and really should have an old saying, "The more you argue, the more you talk about it. Qing "they argued for a long time, but gradually the main battle was less, but more and more. In the end, everyone sang together. peace song Lin Yan met with a dark sigh in his heart. Although he wanted to continue the war to make a fortune, the emperor wanted to talk to him and wronged himself. If Ma Guangmeng knew that Liu Hongxi was such a person at the front line of Fengzhou, I’m afraid he would encourage Ma Yun to recruit troops to the south. After Liu Yan’s death, not only did Han’s national strength weaken, but the leader’s will also weakened a lot.
Just as Liu Hongxi and others were about to make a decision to make peace, the curtain on the left side of the hall suddenly came and gave a chuckle, and an oriole-like sound came out from behind the screen. "How can you make peace with the king if you are wrong?"
Hearing this, Liu Hongxi is a spiritual town, Lin Yanyu and others, but he keeps his head down and looks educated.
From the curtain, a young woman came out. The melon face was white as suet eyebrows, and the eyes were like stars. The nose was small, the lips were red, and the corners of the mouth were upturned with a smile. Her cheeks were slightly dimpled with each other. She came out with a pale blue gauze and mandarin duck tea shoes. When walking, Sandy’s slim waist was very moving in the gauze.
Her eyes glanced at the outer temple, and everyone looked calm, as if interrupting the king’s minister’s deliberation was not a big deal. Liu Hongxi saw her come in and laughed. "How did you come out, Princess? You should have more rest in the daytime recently." This Liu Hongxi is really a strange man. This person is ruthless and kills his brother without blinking an eye, but he is obedient to his eyes, such as this woman in front of him.
Several other ministers are also devoting themselves to this woman, "The imperial concubine is well."
This man turned out to be Liu Hongxi’s beloved princess Lu Qiongxian, who was favored by Liu Hongxi because of her superior purple color. Fortunately, after becoming a imperial concubine, she gradually intervened in her political affairs, but Liu Hongxi was afraid of violating the beauty’s mind and turned a blind eye to it. As a result, Lu Qiongxian’s arrogance was even stronger and everyone said that the three emperors in Lingnan "had an emperor standing outside Lin Yan, and the emperor Lu Qiongxian was sitting in the middle."
Lu Qiongxian said with a light smile, "I just listened to two sentences behind the screen occasionally. It’s really a pity that heaven is the Lord. Can I make peace with the little king of Chu?" Isn’t this a ridiculous day? Furthermore, if you discuss it, I wonder if you are willing to cede or not in case Chu State asks for a state? "
Liu Hongxi leng just said, "Fengzhou is my big fellow Longxing. I naturally won’t give up Chu. If I want to seal the state, I can fight in Chu." I wonder if Liu Hongxi is not as nervous as before, but still shows a little masculinity.
"In that case, why not send troops directly to rescue Fengzhou? Even if the rescue is not available, we should send troops to defend the state of Chu in the counties near Fengzhou and raid our Xing Wangfu?" Lu Qiongxian wanted to give a specific place name, but unfortunately, she was so flat that she had no goods at all.
"The imperial concubine empress is right. We should adjust the military forces in Duanzhou, NSW and other places to strictly observe the sealed state. In addition, we will order Ningyuan to transfer 30,000 military forces from Whyn Wu to the sealed state for rescue, so everything should be lost." Lin Yan met an opportunity to quickly help Lu Qiongxian.
Liu Hongxi hesitated and couldn’t help but cut a glance at Lu Qiongxian’s four eyes, which flashed like a clear, moving and pure leisure man. Emperor Liu Hongxi seemed to feel his beloved princess’s secret encouragement, and then he looked at his confidant Lin Yanyu with a face of expectation.
Liu Hongxi asked Shen, "Does Zhongqing think that people should be stationed in Kangzhou?"
"Minister, why don’t we circle a few people now, and we’ll have a leader from these people after careful consideration?" In Lin Yan’s case, it seems that the emperor sent troops in a unified way, which can naturally take the opportunity to increase the people’s taxes, and he can make a lot of money. If Liu Hongxi orders himself, he will naturally be unable to intervene, but I didn’t expect Liu Hongxi to ask for advice. He immediately came up with such an idea that sounds good. In fact, he wanted to give it to him for two days to see if he could be bribed.
"Positions this also want to? Male and female servants to have a candidate just don’t know and don’t like it. "Lu Qiongxian said coyly that Liu Hongxi, a flatterer in Wu language, almost lost half of his body. His eyes flashed and glanced at Lu Qiongxian as if his eyes would massage Lumei personally.
"Well" looked at Liu Hongxi, looked at half a big mouth and seemed to leave saliva to Lu Qiongxian, twisted his waist one by one, and came to Liu Hongxi and shook his arm. "Do you think Lu Jianwei is like this?"
Liu Hongxi passed over Lu Qiongxian’s towering chest and swallowed before saying, "Well, of course, let Lu Jianwei take the lead and I will give him the command to make the troops stationed in Kangzhou have sealed the state."
As soon as this was said, the ministers said to themselves, no wonder this Lu Guifei will personally come and persuade her. She didn’t think it was good to fight, but wanted to get a bigger official for her brother.
Seeing that the emperor personally promised Lu Qiongxian, he was happy and offered his advice again and said, "What do you think of Emperor Gaozu?"
Liu Hongxi one leng I this love princess how to carry on talking about my dad came when he said "emperor gaozu eminently I am not as good as"
Lu Qiongxian chuckled and smiled gently. "I’m too modest, and I’m as talented as Emperor Gaozu, but Emperor Gaozu’s fortune is better."
Liu Hongxi was stunned and he turned to white. "Does Aifei mean that I should change my name?"
"Pursuit is really the man of God’s male and female servants’ mind. You guessed that the pursuit of intelligence is abnormal. No one can deceive the pursuit of this day. I heard that in the past, Tang Zhuangzong destroyed Liang with the intention of annexing the day. As a result, the high-impedance emperor changed his name and taboo. As a result, Zhuang Zong was killed by the army the next year. Later, it was renamed taboo Gong. As a result, the Sanqing Hall was renamed many times because of the flying white dragon and the great-grandfather’s life. I am afraid that a large part of our big fellow’s good weather and foreign enemies’ shock depends on male and female servants. "Lu Qiongxian said cheerfully.
Liu Hongxi listened to the exultation and nodded and agreed, "I will change my name as soon as I say it. Well, I am in full swing and have a great career. Hehe, I will change my name to Sheng. Liu Sheng is a good name."
Seeing that Liu Hongxi is so happy, the ministers are also happy and can’t help but compliment.
Liu Hongxi’s imperial edict soon arrived in Ningyuan, the state. No matter what the day is, Whyn Wu will immediately transfer troops to prepare for the aid of Fengzhou.
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Chapter 37 A diversion ()
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Whyn Wu and Pan Chongche, our time in Ningyuan, are both eunuchs? ? ? ? Therefore, it is also quite good to have more common language. This state (now Guangxi County) is also close to Fengzhou. After Fengzhou was besieged, he immediately sent a small number of troops to Gongzhou and Tengzhou, hoping to mobilize Fengzhou to form an army to slightly alleviate the pressure on Fengzhou.
Without Emperor Liu Sheng’s command, Whyn Wu could not transfer troops from six states, including Guanzhou, to the east to clear Fengzhou, and a small number of troops could be dispatched to harass it. This step can be explored and reported back. Ma Guangmeng, the commander-in-chief of Wuzhou Road, simply ignored the harassment of Gongzhou and other places. The Chu army patrolled the Fengzhou river for more than ten miles outside Fengzhou City day and night, and surrounded Fengzhou. It seems that the drums are raging all day.
Although Whyn Wu is a eunuch, Lin Yan of Bixing Wangfu has gained a new level of knowledge when he meets those people. There are still some because the Yunwu Mountain runs through the eastern counties of Lingnan, such as Beixing Wangfu and Duanzhou, and the western counties of Lingnan, such as Duanzhou, all want to deliver news and transport materials through sealing the state. If the Chu army takes the sealing state like a sword and cuts the Han state in half, he will miss the throne day and night, chanting that the emperor Liu Sheng can quickly send reinforcements to aid the sealing state, and after the sealing state and Sichuan defeat, the morale of the garrison in the sealing state is low and he can’t come without rescue.
Tian Hou Liu Sheng imperial edict finally arrived in the state and ordered him to send troops to clear the way immediately.
Whyn Wu immediately spent two days to adjust the state, Xiuzhou, Lauzhou, Dangzhou and other places, and 30,000 soldiers and horses were ready to take Yizhou to cross Kangzhou Capital County to join the aid of Fengzhou. This rescue force has been delayed for ten days, and it has been delayed for ten days to come to the west to rescue Fengzhou. The Han army led by Lu Jianwei went to Kangzhou Duanxi, which is less than forty miles away from Fengzhou County. After that, he would sit quietly and never walk forward again. Whyn Wu was naturally anxious to fly to Fengzhou with wings.
After a day’s drive away, I saw that I was in Yizhou Anyi. Whyn Wu thought about urging the overseers to move on. After a night’s rest in Anyi, it is estimated that I will be able to reach Fengzhou outside the city at noon. It should be possible to get the Fengzhou Chujun back to Wuzhou.
Along the way, although he can’t help urging the army to speed up, he always keeps this vigilance. Because Fengzhou is a strategically important place, there are more military forces in Fengzhou, and the position is relatively unimportant. There are 1ooo defenders in Fengzhou. It is impossible for him to control the three counties of Yizhou when the Chu army attacks. He is afraid that he will be trapped in the strategy of attacking the city by the Chu army, so he sent many agents to search and check carefully along his own road. But it seems that this support army may not know himself in Fengzhou and himself along the way.
Whyn Wu politely refused the invitation of the magistrate of Yi ‘an to command the sergeant to camp outside Yi ‘an. The setting sun is like blood crowing, and the green hills outside the ancient temple clock Anyi seem to be covered with a pale yellow evening dress. The sunset is limited to near dusk. Looking at this beautiful glow, there is nothing indifferent and quiet in Whyn Wu’s heart, and then there is a kind of loneliness that seems to have something to live.
It’s already dark at night.
"Grasp a guard! General Wu asks for an audience. "A guard walked into the handsome account and said to Whyn Wu.
Leaning in the plush chair, Whyn Wu seemed a little absent-minded. He asked dully, "General Wu? But did Fengzhou break out and ask for help from the generals? There seems to be no general Wu on their side? "
Hearing Whyn Wu’s words, the guard was stunned. He said, "The guard is General Wu Xun."
"He he is not in the left-behind states? Why suddenly? "Whyn Wu turned around and grabbed the guard by the collar." But what happened in the state? " Then the guard was frightened. Whyn Wu suddenly woke up. This man didn’t know about it.