Then he felt that Shou Yuan was rapidly failing, and an unimaginable speed of terror was constantly losing!

武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛桑拿洗浴 Then he felt that Shou Yuan was rapidly failing, and an unimaginable speed of terror was constantly losing!

White fairy eyes with horror.
Boom Boom Boom
White fairy once again released a supernatural power, and then cast a secret method to tear up a piece of ofuda and burst into a range secret!
This moment white fairy almost released all his cards!
Friar onlookers face consternation surprised to see white fairy in situ seems to have suffered a great shock crazy generally release a lot of cards.
But soon the eyes of many monks gradually changed.
Half white fairy shoveled gasped in the eyes, frightened face panic has not dispersed.
The power of that peerless avatar finally broke up.
The mysterious drum disappeared completely.
The crisis has been resolved?
Enwrapped fairy heart gives birth to a kind of narrow escape.
He can guarantee that if he had been a little slow, he might have been a dead body!
Terrible avatar!
He released so many cards that the cancellation would be resolved.
A cold consciousness in the white fairy heart looked up at the opposite Su Mo.
It’s a little strange that the blue student didn’t continue to shoot at him, but stood with a negative hand and looked at him with indifference.
"Ha ha …"
White fairy strong smile "this is your last killer? Unfortunately, it was still resisted by me! "
"If you stop here, you will die!"
White fairy spirit combatively said again.
Having said that, he always feels that there seems to be something wrong with his tandem body.
Sue ink is still motionless eyes over a mockery.
Enwrapped fairy heart sank.
He suddenly found that it was unusually quiet around him, and everyone seemed to be silent.
He looked consciously.
Seeing several monks around looking at him with strange eyes seems to be a kind of …
Enwrapped fairy took a deep breath and suddenly found that her qi and blood were much weaker than before.
He used to consume too much in the war just now, but now something seems to be wrong.
The breeze gently brushed a wisp of long hair on the forehead before the eyes of the white fairy.
That’s a wisp of gray hair.
White fairy looked at his hands.
Palm skin is no longer white and bright, but rough and dull, covered with fine and old wrinkles.